We are always happy to hear from people wanting to volunteers or just ask us questions about what we do or issues in their local area that might be of interest to us. Please email us on bcv.queries@hotmail.com or ring/text Tom Bruce on 07971376253
You are also free to leave general comments about the work we do on Norman’s Blog posts, just don’t include any personal info. All posts are checked and moderated before appearing in the comments tree.
Another way to contact is on Facebook
GDPR 2018
Any contact information from members of the public received via email, comments page, telephone or collected through our membership forms will only be used to reply to the individual query and/or to keep members updated about the group’s activities and not passed on to any third party organisation our used for any other purpose. Each year members need to fill in a membership form to confirm their details and any permissions to use their contact information as noted above. At the beginning of each task attendees are asked to sign an attendance sheet and to confirm or reject permission to use any photos/videos in which they appear on our social media platforms including website, Facebook page, and You Tube and any other publicity material such as posters, calendars, and press releases. Any expired membership details will be deleted.