
About Us

Group shot.
Group shot.

Welcome to the new Bolton Conservation Volunteers website. BCV is a self-funding not-for-profit organisation based in Bolton, Lancashire and was established in May 1976 by a group of Bolton residents wanting to care for and maintain Bolton’s natural habitats and wildlife.

BCV has since grown to be one of the oldest and most respected independent conservation groups in the country. Our work regularly takes us across Lancashire, Salford and Manchester providing practical assistance and advice to residents groups, schools and landowners wanting to help wildlife in their local environments.

Common Tern
Common Tern

Our natural habitats and wild species are under increasing pressure from land use, pollution and our changing climate. The ecological connections between species locally, nationally and globally are complex and what affects a small part of our world also affects the world at large. By protecting our local environment we also protect our global future.

Conservation projects are costly and labour intensive, Groups such as BCV provide the much needed skills and manpower to allow community groups, schools and other organisations to achieve their goals of preserving the country’s biodiversity with the limited resources they have.

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering is fun, enjoyable, and interesting. You will learn new skills and ancient skills, you will get to visit places on your own doorstep that you didn’t know existed. It is also a good way of keeping fit and making friends with people who share a common interest.


We are an equal opportunities group with an established Code of Conduct and we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds. It costs nothing to join us and no experience is necessary as all training is provided on the day. We also have qualified first-aiders and a tools safety officer to ensure none of our volunteers come to harm. Please see our Task Calendar page for details of our planned work schedule.

From 1986 to 2024 BCV was led by Rick Parker until he passed away. Rick has won numerous awards over years for his work and has also contributed to text books and invited talk on radio shows, seminars, and training sessions. Our current Chair is Caroline Bruce.

BCV is a member of Bolton Forum for Greenspace and Bolton Green Umbrella.

What We Do

Bank erosion management
Bat & bird box building
Dam building
Dry stone walling
Dune restoration
Hedge planting
Pond creation and restoration

Reed bed planting
Invasives clearance
Scrub clearance
Tern raft building
Tree planting
Wetland management
Wildlife gardens
Wild flower planting
Woodland management